
Everything is pricey!

Yours truly was born in KL, raised partly in KL and Malacca, and now working and residing in KL. So it comes as a huge surprise when almost everything here is so pricey, even more so than in KL!

Rice with ikan tongkol, with teh tarik= RM6.50
From food, car wash prices, laundry, and accommodation prices be it little inns or hotels, they can go up as high as the sky. The trauma of going to eat out and given the 'outsider' look and slammed with a high price of goods and services sometimes left me eating instant noodles at the hotel we reside in.

A visit to a local carwash gave me the opportunity to ask about this 'price hike' phenomena. The answer was "Ni meme hargo beso kak... kalu dok pilihanraya pon hargo ni jugok..."(This is the usual price, with or without the by-election)  Errmmm.. and my raised eyebrow prompted another explanation..." Kadang2 kami pun kena harge yang maha!" (Even we ourselves are sometimes given high prices) . She did give me tips though on places to eat where it's usually cheaper.

Among the usual spots for dinner
The operative word here being 'kadang2"(sometimes). I have been here for 6 days now...yet to land a normal price. A facebook status gave me an answer from a friend that Kelantanese have separate prices between locals and outsiders. Oh darn, then I'm in for a price ride everytime I go anywhere. I have mulled acting like an OKU as a friend suggested...but as yet, I haven't had the heart to do it...:-P

This is NST reporters' home till Nov 4

The writer of this blog has finally succeeded in locating the one and only mamak stall in Gua Musang. A victory in my eyes, the different taste buds left me suffering...:-) Will update more...see ya!

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